• Peace be with you and Welcome to

    the World Community of Amarna

    "One God - One Culture - One People"


  • How to A.T.O.N.E. & Progress in Group Unity!

    The Reformer points us to read the Scriptures. It reads, "I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather though their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles (other nations), for to provoke them (East-African people) to jealousy" Romans 11:11 KJV ...Question, Do you have a righteous jealousy, seeing how other ethnic groups are organized and prospering beyond us? This is a critical reason why YOU (We) Must Atone, be culturally resuscitated (born-again), to be in oneness and progress forward in the modern world,

    Following Yashua (John 3:12-21), and the Lord will restore Us (Ezek. 37).

  • Pop artist Michael Jackson with his musical/video tribute to our Lord & Pharoah AkhenAton

    our Lady of Grace, Mother Queen Nefertiti

    and asked our to "Remember the Time" when we were in Love with God, Life, and the Truth. Enjoy the video.


    Black Americans & East Africans = One People!


  • What Are We Doing for You, Our People, and Humanity?

    Cultural Families, Strong Community, Good Health, Sound Mind, Spiritual Wholeness, and Social Advancement

    are just a few things that the Life-Saving Teachings & Divine Vision of the Reformer is providing for our members!

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    1. Teachings

    Yashua started ministering, counseling, and guiding since he was a pre-teen. It all began with a vision at nine years old, and now his cultural reforming teachings are published all over the world. He is changing lives. 

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    2. Community

    From Belief, Trust, and Applying the Cultural Teachings, We evolve into cultural community (WCA). Meaning We commune, congregate, protect, and support our members in local and global community network 

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    3. Reconnectivity

    With the Reformer's Teachings and membership in the World Community of Amarna (WCA), We instantly are reconnected with our East-African kin, as cultural remnants, that has returned home. We will launch a fundraiser soon to purchase a church and school in Chicago, with a restaurant. Yes, We desire to erect a cultural village in Ethiopia. 

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    4. Prosperity

    As World Community members (WCA), We take on the Reformer's vision, that inspire Us to establish cultural centers, temples, restaurants, schools, and businesses. We must invest in ourselves, clothe ourselves, feed ourselves, educate ouselves, police ourselves, and heal ourselves.... Trust in Leadership & Group Participation Accomplishs Our Goals!

  • The Jones Girls...

    "Nights Over Egypt"

    A Black American Soulful Tribute to

    the Lord AkhenAton & Queen Nefertiti.

  • Who will


    for Us?  


    Isaiah 6:8: "I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,

    Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?

    Then said I, Here am I; send me"



    Re-Connectivity & Empowerment


    The Reformer gives valuable Cultural tips

    to help us live a life pleasing to God

    and rewarding to family and neighbors.

    Brothers, its Time to

    Turn Off the Rap & Chaos

    and Tune into Enlightenment! 

    Communties Prosper When Its Members Shop Together!

    Buy Cultural Items, Flag, & Jewelry.

    Awareness & Elevation!

    Stay Connected with Free Podcasts!

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    Nothing is impossible for those that Believe.

  • Connect With Us via Social Media Apps!

    Subscribe, Follow, Like, Comment, and please Share the content with friends, family, and associates.

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